home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* iso9660.c:
- *
- * Support for the ISO-9660 filing system.
- *
- * Modified by Nicola Salmoria.
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This code is (C) Copyright 1993,1994 by Frank Munkert.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This software may be freely distributed and redistributed for
- * non-commercial purposes, provided this notice is included.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * [History removed]
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/utility.h>
- #include "cdrom.h"
- #include "iso9660.h"
- #include "rock.h"
- t_bool Iso_Is_Top_Level_Object (VOLUME *,CDROM_OBJ *);
- CDROM_OBJ *Iso_Open_Top_Level_Directory (VOLUME *p_volume);
- LONG Iso_Examine_Next (VOLUME *p_volume,CDROM_OBJ *p_dir, CDROM_INFO *p_info,
- unsigned long *p_offset);
- void Iso_Close_Obj (CDROM_OBJ *p_object);
- #define VOL(vol,tag) (((t_iso_vol_info *)(vol->vol_info))->tag)
- #define OBJ(obj,tag) (((t_iso_obj_info *)(obj->obj_info))->tag)
- /* Check whether the given volume uses the ISO 9660 Protocol.
- * The protocol is identified by the sequence
- * 'C' 'D' '0' '0' '1'
- * in the 2nd..6th byte of sector 16 of a track.
- *
- * All data tracks on the disk are examined.
- *
- * Returns TRUE iff the ISO protocol is used; FALSE otherwise.
- */
- t_bool Uses_Iso_Protocol (CDROM *p_cdrom, t_ulong *p_offset)
- {
- int i, len;
- t_ulong *buf;
- SetIoErr(ERROR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK); /* initialize error code (Read_Sector() */
- /* will change it if needed) */
- /* If Data_Tracks() returns -1, then the drive probably doesn't support
- * the SCSI-2 READ TOC command.
- */
- if (p_cdrom->use_trackdisk ||
- (len = Data_Tracks (p_cdrom, &buf)) < 0) {
- *p_offset = 0;
- if (!Read_Sector (p_cdrom, 16))
- return FALSE;
- return strncmp ((char *) p_cdrom->buffer + 1, "CD001", 5) == 0;
- }
- if (len == 0)
- return FALSE;
- /* Use a vendor-specific command to find the offset of the last
- * session:
- */
- if (Find_Last_Session (p_cdrom, p_offset) &&
- Read_Sector (p_cdrom, 16 + *p_offset) &&
- strncmp ((char *) p_cdrom->buffer + 1, "CD001", 5) == 0) {
- FreeVec (buf);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Search all data tracks for valid primary volume descriptors: */
- for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
- *p_offset = buf[i];
- if (!Read_Sector (p_cdrom, 16 + *p_offset))
- continue;
- if (strncmp ((char *) p_cdrom->buffer + 1, "CD001", 5) == 0) {
- FreeVec (buf);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- FreeVec (buf);
- /* On some disks, the information in the TOC may not be valid. Therefore
- * also check sector 16:
- */
- if (!Read_Sector (p_cdrom, 16))
- return FALSE;
- if (strncmp ((char *) p_cdrom->buffer + 1, "CD001", 5) == 0) {
- *p_offset = 0;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Check whether the given volume uses the High Sierra Protocol.
- * The protocol is identified by the sequence
- * 'C' 'D' 'R' 'O' 'M'
- * in the 10th..14th byte of sector 16.
- *
- * Returns TRUE iff the High Sierra protocol is used; FALSE otherwise.
- */
- t_bool Uses_High_Sierra_Protocol (CDROM *p_cdrom)
- {
- SetIoErr(ERROR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK); /* initialize error code (Read_Sector() */
- /* will change it if needed) */
- if (!Read_Sector (p_cdrom, 16))
- return FALSE;
- return strncmp ((char *) p_cdrom->buffer + 9, "CDROM", 5) == 0;
- }
- t_bool Iso_Init_Vol_Info (VOLUME *p_volume, int p_skip, t_ulong p_offset,
- t_bool lowercase)
- {
- long loc = 16 + p_offset;
- extern t_handler g_iso_handler;
- p_volume->handler = &g_iso_handler;
- p_volume->vol_info = AllocMem (sizeof (t_iso_vol_info), MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (!p_volume->vol_info) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (;;) {
- if (!Read_Sector (p_volume->cd, loc)) {
- FreeMem (p_volume->vol_info, sizeof (t_iso_vol_info));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (p_volume->cd->buffer[0] == 1) {
- memcpy (&VOL(p_volume,pvd), p_volume->cd->buffer, sizeof (prim_vol_desc));
- break;
- }
- if (p_volume->cd->buffer[0] == 255 || loc > 1000) {
- FreeMem (p_volume->vol_info, sizeof (t_iso_vol_info));
- return FALSE;
- }
- loc++;
- }
- VOL(p_volume,skip) = p_skip;
- switch (VOL(p_volume,pvd).block_size_m) {
- case 512:
- VOL(p_volume,blockshift) = 2;
- break;
- case 1024:
- VOL(p_volume,blockshift) = 1;
- break;
- case 2048:
- default:
- VOL(p_volume,blockshift) = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (lowercase)
- {
- /* Look at the system ID to find out if the CD is supposed
- * to feature proper file names. These are CDs made for use
- * with the CDTV and the CD³² (both share the "CDTV" system ID)
- * and the "Fresh Fish", "Frozen Fish" and "Gold Fish" CDs
- * created by Mkisofs. If any of these IDs is found the
- * file name to lower case conversion is disabled.
- */
- if (!strncmp(VOL(p_volume,pvd).system_id,"CDTV",4) ||
- !strncmp(VOL(p_volume,pvd).system_id,"AMIGA",5))
- {
- lowercase = 0;
- }
- }
- VOL(p_volume,lowercase) = lowercase;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void Iso_Close_Vol_Info (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- FreeMem (p_volume->vol_info, sizeof (t_iso_vol_info));
- }
- CDROM_OBJ *Iso_Alloc_Obj (int p_length_of_dir_record)
- {
- CDROM_OBJ *obj;
- if (obj = AllocMem(sizeof(CDROM_OBJ),MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- if (obj->obj_info = AllocMem(sizeof (t_iso_obj_info),MEMF_PUBLIC))
- {
- if (OBJ(obj,dir) = AllocMem(p_length_of_dir_record,MEMF_PUBLIC))
- return(obj);
- FreeMem(obj->obj_info, sizeof (t_iso_obj_info));
- }
- FreeMem(obj,sizeof(CDROM_OBJ));
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* Get the "CDROM object" for the root directory of the volume.
- */
- CDROM_OBJ *Iso_Open_Top_Level_Directory (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- CDROM_OBJ *obj;
- obj = Iso_Alloc_Obj (VOL(p_volume,pvd).root.length);
- if (!obj)
- return NULL;
- obj->directory_f = TRUE;
- obj->handler = p_volume->handler;
- obj->pos = 0;
- memcpy (OBJ(obj,dir), &VOL(p_volume,pvd).root, VOL(p_volume,pvd).root.length);
- return obj;
- }
- /* Compare the name of the directory entry p_iso_name
- * with the C string p_name, and return 1 iff strings are equal.
- * NOTE: p_iso_name may be a file name (with version number) or a directory
- * name (without version number).
- * NOTE: may *TRASH* p_iso_name
- */
- int Names_Equal (char *p_iso_name, char *p_name)
- {
- int pos;
- if (!Stricmp(p_iso_name, p_name))
- return TRUE;
- /* compare without version number: */
- for (pos=strlen(p_iso_name)-1; pos>=0; pos--)
- if (p_iso_name[pos] == ';')
- break;
- if (pos>=0)
- {
- p_iso_name[pos] = 0;
- return(!Stricmp(p_iso_name,p_name));
- }
- else
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Get a record from a directory.
- * p_location is a LOGICAL BLOCK number.
- * the record will be stored in buffer, which must be 256 bytes long.
- */
- directory_record *Get_Directory_Record (VOLUME *p_volume,struct directory_record *p_dir,
- unsigned long p_location,
- unsigned long p_offset)
- {
- int len;
- int loc;
- loc = (p_location >> VOL(p_volume,blockshift)) + (p_offset >> 11);
- if (!Read_Sector (p_volume->cd, loc)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- len = p_volume->cd->buffer[p_offset & 2047];
- if (len)
- memcpy (p_dir, p_volume->cd->buffer + (p_offset & 2047), len);
- else
- p_dir->length = 0; /* mark as last record */
- return(p_dir);
- }
- /* store the name of an object into buffer, which must be 32 bytes long */
- VOID Convert_Iso_Name(VOLUME *p_volume,struct directory_record *p_dir,UBYTE *buffer)
- {
- int len;
- len = -1;
- if (p_volume->protocol == PRO_ROCK)
- len = Get_RR_File_Name(p_volume,p_dir,buffer,30);
- if (len < 0)
- {
- len = p_dir->file_id_length;
- /* make sure that the name doesn't exceed AmigaDOS limit (30 characters) */
- if (len > 30) len = 30;
- memcpy(buffer,p_dir->file_id,len);
- if (VOL(p_volume,lowercase))
- {
- /* convert file name to lowercase if the user requested it */
- WORD i;
- for (i = 0;i < len;i++)
- buffer[i] = ToLower(buffer[i]);
- }
- }
- /* NULL terminate the string */
- buffer[len] = 0;
- }
- /* Create a "CDROM object" for the directory which is located
- * at sector p_location.
- */
- CDROM_OBJ *Iso_Create_Directory_Obj (VOLUME *p_volume, unsigned long p_location)
- {
- unsigned char buffer[256];
- directory_record *dir = (directory_record *)buffer;
- unsigned long loc;
- int offset = 0;
- CDROM_OBJ *obj;
- unsigned long len;
- if (p_location == VOL(p_volume,pvd).root.extent_loc_m)
- return Iso_Open_Top_Level_Directory (p_volume);
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, dir, p_location, 0))
- return NULL;
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, dir, p_location, dir->length))
- return NULL;
- loc = dir->extent_loc_m;
- len = dir->data_length_m;
- for (;;) {
- if (offset >= len)
- return NULL;
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, dir, loc, offset))
- return NULL;
- if (!dir->length) {
- /* go to next logical sector: */
- offset = (offset & 0xfffff800) + 2048;
- continue;
- }
- if (dir->extent_loc_m == p_location)
- break;
- offset += dir->length;
- }
- obj = Iso_Alloc_Obj (dir->length);
- if (!obj)
- return NULL;
- obj->directory_f = TRUE;
- obj->handler = p_volume->handler;
- obj->pos = 0;
- memcpy (OBJ(obj,dir), dir, dir->length);
- return obj;
- }
- /* Open the object with name p_name in the directory p_dir.
- * p_name must not contain '/' or ':' characters.
- */
- CDROM_OBJ *Iso_Open_Obj_In_Directory (VOLUME *p_volume,CDROM_OBJ *p_dir, char *p_name)
- {
- unsigned long loc = OBJ(p_dir,dir)->extent_loc_m + OBJ(p_dir,dir)->ext_attr_length;
- unsigned long len = OBJ(p_dir,dir)->data_length_m;
- unsigned char buffer[256];
- UBYTE namebuff[32];
- directory_record *dir = (directory_record *)buffer;
- int offset;
- CDROM_OBJ *obj;
- long cl;
- /* skip first two entries: */
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, dir, loc, 0))
- return NULL;
- offset = dir->length;
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, dir, loc, offset))
- return NULL;
- offset += dir->length;
- for (;;) {
- if (offset >= len) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, dir, loc, offset))
- return NULL;
- if (!dir->length) {
- /* go to next logical sector: */
- offset = (offset & 0xfffff800) + 2048;
- continue;
- }
- Convert_Iso_Name(p_volume,dir,namebuff);
- if (Names_Equal (namebuff,p_name))
- break;
- offset += dir->length;
- }
- if (p_volume->protocol == PRO_ROCK &&
- (cl = RR_Child_Link (p_volume, dir)) >= 0)
- return Iso_Create_Directory_Obj (p_volume, cl);
- obj = Iso_Alloc_Obj (dir->length);
- if (!obj)
- return NULL;
- obj->directory_f = (dir->flags & 2);
- if (p_volume->protocol == PRO_ROCK &&
- Is_A_Symbolic_Link (p_volume, dir)) {
- obj->symlink_f = 1;
- obj->directory_f = 0;
- }
- memcpy (OBJ(obj,dir), dir, dir->length);
- obj->handler = p_volume->handler;
- obj->pos = 0;
- if (!obj->directory_f)
- OBJ(obj,parent_loc) = loc;
- return obj;
- }
- /* Close a "CDROM object" and deallocate all associated resources.
- */
- void Iso_Close_Obj (CDROM_OBJ *p_object)
- {
- FreeMem (OBJ(p_object,dir), OBJ(p_object,dir)->length);
- FreeMem (p_object->obj_info, sizeof (t_iso_obj_info));
- FreeMem (p_object, sizeof (CDROM_OBJ));
- }
- /* Read bytes from a file.
- */
- int Iso_Read_From_File (VOLUME *p_volume,CDROM_OBJ *p_file, char *p_buffer, int p_buffer_length)
- {
- unsigned long loc;
- int remain_block, remain_file, remain;
- int len;
- CDROM *cd = p_volume->cd;
- int buf_pos = 0;
- int todo;
- unsigned long last_loc, ext_loc;
- short blockshift;
- int offset;
- unsigned long firstblock;
- if (p_file->pos == OBJ(p_file,dir)->data_length_m)
- /* at end of file: */
- return 0;
- blockshift = VOL(p_volume,blockshift);
- /* 'firstblock' is the first logical block of the file section: */
- firstblock = OBJ(p_file,dir)->extent_loc_m + OBJ(p_file,dir)->ext_attr_length;
- /*
- * 'offset' is the offset of the first logical block of the file
- * extent from the first logical (2048-byte-)sector.
- */
- if (blockshift)
- offset = ((firstblock & ((1<<blockshift)-1))
- << (11-blockshift));
- else
- offset = 0;
- /*
- * 'ext_loc' is the first logical sector of the file extent.
- * 'loc' is the first logical sector to be read.
- * 'last_loc' is the last logical sector of the file extent.
- */
- ext_loc = firstblock >> blockshift;
- loc = ext_loc + ((p_file->pos + offset) >> 11);
- last_loc = ext_loc + ((OBJ(p_file,dir)->data_length_m + offset - 1) >> 11);
- todo = p_buffer_length;
- offset += p_file->pos;
- offset &= 2047;
- remain_block = 2048 - offset;
- while (todo) {
- if (!Read_Contiguous_Sectors (cd, loc, last_loc)) {
- return -1;
- }
- remain_file = OBJ(p_file,dir)->data_length_m - p_file->pos;
- /*
- * 'todo' is the number of bytes in p_buffer which haven't been filled yet.
- * 'remain' is remaining number of bytes in cd->buffer.
- */
- remain = (remain_block < remain_file) ? remain_block : remain_file;
- len = (todo < remain) ? todo : remain;
- CopyMem ((APTR) (cd->buffer + offset), (APTR) (p_buffer + buf_pos), len);
- buf_pos += len;
- p_file->pos += len;
- todo -= len;
- if (p_file->pos >= OBJ(p_file,dir)->data_length_m)
- break;
- remain_block = 2048;
- offset = 0;
- loc++;
- }
- return buf_pos;
- }
- t_ulong Extract_Date (directory_record *p_dir_record)
- {
- struct ClockData ClockData;
- ClockData.sec = p_dir_record->second;
- ClockData.min = p_dir_record->minute;
- ClockData.hour = p_dir_record->hour;
- ClockData.mday = p_dir_record->day;
- ClockData.wday = 0; /* is ignored by CheckDate() and Date2Amiga() */
- ClockData.month = p_dir_record->month;
- ClockData.year = p_dir_record->year + 1900;
- if (CheckDate (&ClockData))
- return Date2Amiga (&ClockData);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /* Return information on a "CDROM object."
- */
- LONG Iso_CDROM_Info (VOLUME *p_volume,CDROM_OBJ *p_obj, CDROM_INFO *p_info)
- {
- if (Iso_Is_Top_Level_Object (p_volume,p_obj)) {
- p_info->name_length = 1;
- p_info->name[0] = ':';
- p_info->directory_f = TRUE;
- p_info->file_length = 0;
- p_info->date = Volume_Creation_Date (p_volume);
- } else {
- Convert_Iso_Name(p_volume,OBJ(p_obj,dir),p_info->name);
- p_info->name_length = strlen(p_info->name);
- p_info->directory_f = p_obj->directory_f;
- p_info->symlink_f = p_obj->symlink_f;
- p_info->file_length = OBJ(p_obj,dir)->data_length_m;
- p_info->date = Extract_Date (OBJ(p_obj,dir));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Browse all entries in a directory.
- */
- LONG Iso_Examine_Next (VOLUME *p_volume,CDROM_OBJ *p_dir, CDROM_INFO *p_info,
- unsigned long *p_offset)
- {
- unsigned long offset;
- unsigned char buffer[256];
- directory_record *rec = (directory_record *)buffer;
- if (!p_dir->directory_f || p_dir->symlink_f) {
- }
- if (*p_offset == 0) {
- /* skip first two directory entries: */
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume,rec,
- OBJ(p_dir,dir)->extent_loc_m + OBJ(p_dir,dir)->ext_attr_length,
- 0))
- return(IoErr());
- offset = rec->length;
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume,rec,
- OBJ(p_dir,dir)->extent_loc_m + OBJ(p_dir,dir)->ext_attr_length,
- offset))
- return(IoErr());
- *p_offset = offset + rec->length;
- }
- for (;;) {
- if (OBJ(p_dir,dir)->data_length_m <= *p_offset)
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume,rec,
- OBJ(p_dir,dir)->extent_loc_m + OBJ(p_dir,dir)->ext_attr_length,
- *p_offset))
- return(IoErr());
- if (rec->length == 0)
- /* go to next logical sector: */
- *p_offset = (*p_offset & 0xfffff800) + 2048;
- else
- break;
- }
- *p_offset += rec->length;
- Convert_Iso_Name(p_volume,rec,p_info->name);
- p_info->name_length = strlen(p_info->name);
- if (p_volume->protocol == PRO_ROCK &&
- Is_A_Symbolic_Link (p_volume, rec)) {
- p_info->symlink_f = 1;
- p_info->directory_f = 0;
- } else if (p_volume->protocol == PRO_ROCK &&
- Has_System_Use_Field (p_volume, rec, "CL")) {
- p_info->symlink_f = 0;
- p_info->directory_f = 1;
- } else {
- p_info->symlink_f = 0;
- p_info->directory_f = rec->flags & 2;
- }
- p_info->file_length = rec->data_length_m;
- p_info->date = Extract_Date (rec);
- p_info->suppl_info = rec;
- return(0);
- }
- /* Clone a "CDROM object info."
- */
- void *Iso_Clone_Obj_Info (void *p_info)
- {
- t_iso_obj_info *info = (t_iso_obj_info *) p_info;
- t_iso_obj_info *new;
- new = AllocMem (sizeof (t_iso_obj_info), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!new)
- return NULL;
- memcpy (new, info, sizeof (t_iso_obj_info));
- new->dir = AllocMem (info->dir->length, MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!new->dir) {
- FreeMem (new, sizeof (t_iso_obj_info));
- return NULL;
- }
- memcpy (new->dir, info->dir, info->dir->length);
- return new;
- }
- /* Find parent directory.
- */
- CDROM_OBJ *Iso_Find_Parent (VOLUME *p_volume,CDROM_OBJ *p_object)
- {
- unsigned char buffer[256];
- directory_record *dir = (directory_record *)buffer;
- unsigned long dir_loc;
- long pl;
- if (p_object->directory_f)
- dir_loc = OBJ(p_object,dir)->extent_loc_m + OBJ(p_object,dir)->ext_attr_length;
- else
- dir_loc = OBJ(p_object,parent_loc);
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, dir, dir_loc, 0))
- return NULL;
- if (p_object->directory_f) {
- if (!Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, dir, dir_loc, dir->length))
- return NULL;
- if (p_volume->protocol == PRO_ROCK &&
- (pl = RR_Parent_Link (p_volume, dir)) >= 0)
- return Iso_Create_Directory_Obj (p_volume, pl);
- }
- return Iso_Create_Directory_Obj (p_volume, dir->extent_loc_m);
- }
- /* Test if p_object is the root directory.
- */
- t_bool Iso_Is_Top_Level_Object (VOLUME *p_volume,CDROM_OBJ *p_object)
- {
- return p_object->directory_f &&
- OBJ(p_object,dir)->extent_loc_m ==
- VOL(p_volume,pvd).root.extent_loc_m;
- }
- /* Test if two objects are equal.
- */
- t_bool Iso_Same_Objects (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj1, CDROM_OBJ *p_obj2)
- {
- return (OBJ(p_obj1,dir)->extent_loc_m ==
- OBJ(p_obj2,dir)->extent_loc_m);
- }
- /*
- * Convert p_num digits into an integer value:
- */
- int Digs_To_Int (char *p_digits, int p_num)
- {
- int result = 0;
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<p_num; i++)
- result = result * 10 + p_digits[i] - '0';
- return result;
- }
- /*
- * Return volume creation date as number of seconds since 1-Jan-1978:
- */
- t_ulong Iso_Creation_Date (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- struct ClockData ClockData;
- char *dt = VOL(p_volume,pvd).vol_creation;
- ClockData.sec = Digs_To_Int (dt+12, 2);
- ClockData.min = Digs_To_Int (dt+10, 2);
- ClockData.hour = Digs_To_Int (dt+8, 2);
- ClockData.mday = Digs_To_Int (dt+6, 2);
- ClockData.wday = 0; /* is ignored by CheckDate() and Date2Amiga() */
- ClockData.month = Digs_To_Int (dt+4, 2);
- ClockData.year = Digs_To_Int (dt, 4);
- if (CheckDate (&ClockData))
- return Date2Amiga (&ClockData);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- t_ulong Iso_Volume_Size (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- return VOL(p_volume,pvd).space_size_m;
- }
- t_ulong Iso_Volume_Free (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- t_ulong Iso_Block_Size (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- return VOL(p_volume,pvd).block_size_m;
- }
- void Iso_Volume_ID (VOLUME *p_volume, char *p_buffer, int p_buf_length)
- {
- char *iso_name = VOL(p_volume,pvd).volume_id;
- int iso_len;
- int len;
- for (iso_len = 30; iso_len; iso_len--) {
- if (iso_name[iso_len-1] != ' ')
- break;
- }
- len = (iso_len > p_buf_length-1) ? p_buf_length-1 : iso_len;
- if (len > 0)
- {
- memcpy (p_buffer, iso_name, len);
- }
- p_buffer[len] = 0;
- }
- t_ulong Iso_Location (VOLUME *p_volume,CDROM_OBJ *p_object)
- {
- return OBJ(p_object,dir)->extent_loc_m;
- }
- t_ulong Iso_File_Length (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- return OBJ(p_obj,dir)->data_length_m;
- }
- t_handler g_iso_handler = {
- Iso_Close_Vol_Info,
- Iso_Open_Top_Level_Directory,
- Iso_Open_Obj_In_Directory,
- Iso_Find_Parent,
- Iso_Close_Obj,
- Iso_Read_From_File,
- Iso_CDROM_Info,
- Iso_Examine_Next,
- Iso_Clone_Obj_Info,
- Iso_Is_Top_Level_Object,
- Iso_Same_Objects,
- Iso_Creation_Date,
- Iso_Volume_Size,
- Iso_Volume_Free,
- Iso_Volume_ID,
- Iso_Location,
- Iso_File_Length,
- Iso_Block_Size
- };